- Must read: California notice of defaults and foreclosures skyrocketing (Dr Housing Bubble)
- Canada decries "rising tide" of US protectionism (Reuters)
- Ahmadinejad re-elected; protests flare; JPM can not gun SPY as market closed (NYT)
- North Korea to "weaponize" plutonium; JPM can not... ditto (NYT)
- $1 Billion + REIT Crescent Resources files for Bankruptcy, FYI Merrill Lynch (Charlotte Journal h! at tip Mike)
- Why GM's Bankruptcy may be good for Sirius XM (SiriusBuzz)
- China's economy in turmoil: Bubbles in a downturn (ChinaStakes hat tip M)
- Delta to "dispose" of former Northwest Airlines 264,000 sq. foot HQ (Business Journal)
- In depth perspectives on taxation (Rubinontax hat tip Joe)
- Bidding war for bankrupt Filene's (NYT)
- How brilliantly run is Freddie Mac? (Bronte Capital)
- Deflation vs. Inflation ( Sudden Debt)
- Shop till you drop (Utterlycorrelated hat tip Phil)
- As to to what they speak in Ireland... (Strange Maps)
- More CDS-hate from Soros (Reuters)
- One Trillion Dollars (hat tip SB)
- Dedicated Reader (You Tube, and yes Tyler Durden is one person)
- Michael Lewis: The End of Wall Street:
Our sincerest gratitude to Daniel, Luke, Pierre, Ralph and Susan for the generous donations and support
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