Jennifer Lopez was surprised by Victoria Beckham's honesty when the pair met for t! he first time, because the S! pice Gir l openly admitted to being insecure and wanted to know if she was too.
Lopez was amazed by how "sweet" Beckham came across, and admitted to having moments of self-doubt too.
She tells American publication Glamour, "Victoria said, 'People would never guess you're insecure. Are you? Because I know I am.' It was like she had to hear it from me.
"And I said, 'Yeah, of course I am.' She said, 'But you seem so confident.' And I said, 'Because I am confident! It doesn't mean I don't have my moments.
But you have to remember the value of your individuality - that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.' She said, 'Oh, I love hearing this. What you're saying is so great!' It was really sweet".
Lopez isn't the only celebrity to admit to feeling insecure - actress Catherine Zeta-J! ones recently confessed to finding it difficult being herself in front of strangers, because she lacks self-confidence.
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